When was the last time you showed gratitude and appreciated your employees? You must have heard this before – it’s the little things that matter the most. Some leaders deem that having their employees dislike them because they are tough cookie means they are doing a good job. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Several top leaders and the organizations they run have earned loyalty, trust, amazing results only because they remained decent human beings and didn’t drop their integrity as they climbed up the ladder of success. Being appreciative and showing care has proven to enhance productivity. Hence, when employees suffer so does the business. 

So, you see that it doesn’t take much to be a great leader. It’s often the small things that count and make a huge impact on an employee’s experience within the organization. Going further, let’s walk through 5 ways or gestures you can show your employees that you care.


The best way to keep your workforce motivated is to inspire and motivate them by acknowledging a job done well during meetings. Sending mass emails or announcing achievements or success stories of employees in any company-wide correspondence is a great way to recognize their efforts.

Give Them Freedom

If everyone is doing a great job, it’s best to reward their dedication and hard work by giving them some days off, organizing a lunch or an outing, offering flexible work options, heading home early, and so on. Freedom with responsibility is always cherished. Your employees will appreciate the gesture as they see you recognize their commitment.

Be Approachable

Sometimes all an employee wants is to be heard. So chalk out a plan to engage with them at least twice a month to meet up, discuss work, and just hear them out. Be accessible and open to their suggestions because your employees look up to you for guidance and morale-boosting.

Respect Their Time

Never disrespect your employee’s time. Don’t schedule a meeting and make them wait for it; you enter late and leave first. This will send a signal to your employees that you do not value their time! Be there before they arrive for the meeting. Greet them and stick to the agenda of the meeting.

Personal Development Opportunities

Each employee seeks avenues to learn new skills or upgrade their knowledge. Conduct workshops or host events and encourage your employees to participate. Additionally, offer to sponsor a program or course via distance learning methods that will help them add a qualification to their skill-set.

Whatever you choose to do, do it with your heart in it. Appreciation, be it simple or on a grand scale, only works when it’s sincere. A happy workforce is automatically inspired to deliver the best outcomes each time and be on their toes to prove their mettle. In the end, here’s a quote from John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods “ If you are lucky enough to be someone’s employer, then you have a moral obligation to make sure people do look forward to coming to work in the morning.”

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